As a member of the World Rescue Organisation, the Luxembourg Rescue Organisation is part of an international network of firefighters and paramedics that share the same vision:

  • provide a platform for rescue personal;
  • share and advance rescue science and technology;
  • develop and enhance proficiency in general rescue techniques, vehicle rescue, incident command and pre-hospital care.


The LRO organizes seminars, workshops and training sessions to allow the luxembourg rescue personnel to share and develop their knowledge and rescue techniques.


The national and international trauma and rescue challenges provide the possibility to apply and improve the learnt rescue skills in a comradely manner. They are also a valuable way to expand the view beyond national/regional horizons and to get in touch with fellow firefighters all over the world.

The Luxembourg Rescue Organisation also has a development aid program to help to develop fire and rescue services in third world countries. It’s actual project takes part in Madagaskar.

Further information can be found on, or contact us at

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